The Best of ISRAEL

8 Days

Tour of The Holy Land


Israel is worth your time. Its sights, ranging from Biblical ruins to Crusader fortresses to WWII memorials to cosmopolitan cities, are breathtaking. Israel is also easy to tour — its excellent bus system puts any city within reach.


Upon arrival to Tel Aviv Airport you will be met by our representative who will be holding a sign with your name immediately after passport control. Our representative will guide you to pick up your luggage, after which you will be escorted via Customs to meet your driver who will transfer you to your hotel in Jerusalem. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 2 :

Start the day at the Israel Museum’s Shrine of the Book with the famous Dead Sea scrolls, then a visit to the beautifully renovated model of the Herodian city of Jerusalem, dating back to the time of the Second Temple. Enjoy Ein Karem; a picturesque village in the south western outskirts of Jerusalem. This small village has great significance in Christian traditions, since this is where according to tradition John the Baptist was born. Visit Yad Vashem the official memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, established in 1953, located at the foot of Mt. Hertzl. Visit Bethlehem – the birthplace of Jesus at the Church of the Nativity and Manger Square. Return to your Jerusalem hotel.

Day 3 :

Enter the Old City of Jerusalem where you will see the Western Wall and the actual site of the Second Temple, the Temple Mount. Walk the Way of the Cross, the Via Dolorosa, to Calvary and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, housing both the traditional site of Crucifixion and the Tomb of the Resurrection. To the southwest, just outside the Old City, is Mount Zion, with the traditional tomb of King David and the Room of the Last Supper. Enjoy the spectacular panoramic view of Jerusalem - the holy city for each of the world’s three great religions – Christianity, Judaism and Islam, from atop the Mount of Olives. Visit the Garden of Gethsemane where Judas betrayed Jesus. In the heart of a neighborhood in downtown Jerusalem, visit Mahane Yehuda to experience the flavors, aromas, colors and the traders' interaction with the crowds, at the largest open market in Israel.

Leave Jerusalem and drive north passing by Jericho, the oldest city in the world. Travel through the Jordan Valley and the new settlements to Beit Shean, and visit the excavations of this beautifully preserved Roman City. On to Nazareth to visit the Church of the Annunciation and Christian holy sites. Continue to a Kibbutz hotel for overnight. Proceed to Safed, city of the Kabbalah and centre of Jewish mysticism, to visit a synagogue and the beautiful streets of the artists’ colony. Overnight in a kibbutz hotel in the Galilee.

Drive up to the Golan Heights and visit the former Syrian fortifications and the Druze villages, passing by Banias, source of the Jordan River. Enjoy an Israeli wine country experience, with vineyards surrounded by breathtaking views. Become acquainted with the collection of fine and rare wines enjoying a tour, wine tasting and understanding of the wine production process. Descend to the shore of the Sea of Galilee and proceed to Capernaum, to visit the ruins of the ancient synagogue, the Mount of Beatitudes, traditional site of the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ and Tabgha, the traditional site of the ‘miracle of the loaves and the fish’. Onwards to Tiberias, the old center of Jewish learning. Optional sailing in a boat across the Sea of Galilee to experience the tranquility and scenery little changed during the past 2000 years (subject to conditions and fee). Return to the kibbutz hotel for overnight.

After breakfast drive through the hills of the Galilee, westwards to Acre (Akko) for a visit of the old, famous Crusader stronghold and medieval fortifications. Continue to Haifa, for a panoramic sightseeing tour of the city, including the Baha'i Shrine, Persian Garden, Mount Carmel and Haifa bay. Proceed along the Mediterranean coast to Caesarea to visit the Roman Theater and the Crusader fortress at what is known as the “masterpiece of Herod the Great”. End the day with a short city tour of Tel Aviv and the ancient port of Jaffa. Overnight in Tel Aviv.

Day 7 :

Day at leisure in Tel Aviv, or an optional tour to Masada & the Dead Sea. Overnight in Tel Aviv.

Transfer to the airport for departure

Package Includes:

  • Return flight
  • 2 transfers: from & to the airport
  • 7-night hotel accommodations in double occupancy
  • Daily buffet breakfast
  • All entrance fees according to the itinerary
  • Boat Ride on the Galilee Sea
  • Government licensed English speaking guide on touring days
  • 7 full days sightseeing in a modern air-conditioned motor-coach
  • Travel & medical insurance
  • Visa support

Package Excludes:

  • Documentation
  • Visa fee
  • Tips to guide, driver, hotel staff, etc.
  • Domestic and international flights
  • Porterage at airport
  • Lunch & Dinner
  • Supplement for private transfers
  • Anything not mentioned in the “package includes” section.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

The Best of ISRAEL
From $3,995
/ Person

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